Mac Magazin/MacEasy 14
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 14.iso
Datenbanken & Hypercard
Genealogy Pro 2.1 - demo
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Text File
78 lines
This file contains the demonstration version of the macintosh application
Genealogy Pro.
Genealogy Pro is a software package specifically designed for storing
genealogical information and drawing genealogy charts. Genealogy Pro uses and
stores familial data such as family names, relationships, and important dates,
pictures, events, and automatically creates charts using this data. Genealogy
Pro can draw vertical, horizontal, and wheel charts. Family and direct line
(pedigree) formats are both supported. Family data is stored in a large capicity
expandible database. The data, style and formats of the charts can easily be
varied using the standard Macintosh point and click interface. The order, style,
and layout of all fields in a chart may be altered as required. Genealogy Pro is
GEDCOM compatable although this feature is not available in the demonstration
Changes new to version 2.00
1. File capacity increased. Over 5000 individuals may now be stored in a file.
2. File format enhanced for expandability. Custom fields may now be defined in
an analogous manner that fields of a relational database are defined. These may
be dates, places, text, or pictures.
3. Support for pictures.
4. More stable
5. Dragging of people in charts improved.
6. Storage of notes for individuals (up to 32000 characters per individual).
7. A bug in which multiple spouses were not displayed properly has been fixed.
Changes new to version 2.10
1. Much more stable
2. Circle charts are now Quickdraw gx savvy. Where possible it is recommended
to use install quickdraw gx when using circle charts.
3. Mailing labels implemented. Although not printable labels may be stored in
tab delimited text and imported to spreadsheets or database files
4. Database window lists all people and their associated fields in one
scrollable window.
5. Chart style macros allow saving of chart styles and ability to apply the
saved style to any new chart.
Included in the 'Genealogy Pro - Demo ƒ' is
1. Genealogy Pro - Demo: the application
2. Burrows.gp - an example document
3. Mitfords - a small document which is an example of using pictures in a chart
4. About Gen. Pro (word) - an abridged ms word file documenting the
features of Genealogy Pro
5. About Gen. Pro (text) - a text only file documenting the features of Genealogy Pro
6. Read Me - this file
7. Order Form
Genealogy Pro with manual costs only (US) $89.00 plus freight ($4 Australia, (US) $6 NZ,
(US) $10 other).
To order send money (international bank cheque or money order in **Australian
Dollars**) to:
Micro Evolution Technologies 72 Speight Street, Newport, Vic. 3015 Australia
for more information contact:
Micro Evolution Technologies
72 Speight Street,
Vic. 3015
Tel: 61 3 9399 1723 (mobile) 61 15 043 722
e-mail: pcf@silas.cc.monash.edu.au